
Anju Dodiya

Artist Profiles > D > Anju Dodiya

Anju Dodiya was born in Mumbai in 1964, Anju Dodiya received her diploma from the Sir J.J. School of Art in 1986. She has held two solo shows at Gallery Chernould, Mumbai in 1991 and 1996. She has also participated in ‘In Small Format’ Sakshi Gallery, Mumbai, 1993, ‘Women Artists’ Hyderabad 1994, ‘Recent Trends in Contemporary Indian Art’ Vadehra Art Gallery, New Delhi, 1995 and ‘Cinemascape An Artists’ Tribute to 100 years of Cinema’ Lakhereen Gallery, Mumbai, 1996.

The artist creates expressive watercolours layered with images and symbolism, drawing inspiration from a range of artists including poet Sylvia Plath, filmmaker Ingmar Bergman, and Early Renaissance masters Piero della Francesca and Giotto, as well as the bold patterns and vivid colors of Medieval French tapestries and Japanese woodblock prints. Often autobiographical, her works reveal her interest in self-reflection and the process of self-discovery. Though primarily a painter, Dodiya has also produced intricate installations involving embroidered mattresses and shards of broken mirror.

Dodiya lives and works in Mumbai.