
Chun Kwang Young

Artist Profiles > C > Chun Kwang Young

Chun Kwang-Young was born in Kwangwon Province, Korea. He is renowned internationally for his ‘aggregations’ made from thousands of triangular wedges wrapped in Korean mulberry paper. Although his concepts and use of materials are steeped in Korean culture, his work echoes a more western form of artistic expression, blurring the vocabulary of painting and sculpture to create futuristic, lunar landscapes.

In July 2006, Chun spent 3 weeks at STPI , creating a series of paper cast works and etching monoprints. It had been 20 years since Chun had created purely two-dimensional work but he quickly rose to the challenge. The monoprints in this exhibition were selected from a total of 43 prints he created during his residency.

STPI Senior printmaker Eitaro Ogawa proposed that Chun work in photo-etching using copper plates as this would give the artist the most flexibility in his image-making. This proved a significant decision. Chun was able to keep working on the plates – experimenting, changing and re-creating – eventually leading him to a deconstruction of his images. The resulting landscapes are mysterious and disturbing. The expanses are desolate and barren, with arid areas where the acid has eaten into the plate freely, breaking down the landscape. Nonetheless, the works possess a sense of balance and tranquility.

Chun Kwang-Young and Korean mulberry paper are synonymous. For Chun the paper represents a true embodiment of the Korean soul and spirit. The 5 mixed media wall reliefs in this exhibition are new works by Chun, using his trademark mulberry paper-covered Styrofoam triangles.

Solo exhibitions include Annely Juda Fine Art, London (2006) ; Kim Foster Gallery, New York (2006); Michelle Rosenfeld Gallery, New York (2006); Ierimonti Gallery, Milan (2006); Kukje Gallery, Seoul (2005); Conny Dietzschold Gallery, Sydney (2003); and New Contemporaries, Sydney (2003).