Ryan Gander

Artist Profiles > G > Ryan Gander

Composed around visual puzzles and unusually assembled objects, the works of Ryan Gander are catalysts for thinking, challenging accustomed conditions and viewer perceptions. Gander embarked on his STPI residency with an inquisitive and experimental mindset, exploring the countless possibilities and processes of printmaking. Referencing art history was also an integral part of his experience, where he reinterpreted esteemed pieces, such as Hokusai’s The Great Wave Off Kanagawa and broke new conceptual boundaries with printmaking techniques and practices.
Recent projects include Incredibly shiny stuff that doesn’t mean anything, Okayama Kyokuto Hospital, Okayama; The Human Factor, Hayward Gallery, London; Unlimited, Art Basel, Basel; Parcours, Art Basel, Basel; Esperluette, Palais de Tokyo, Paris; dOCUMENTA (13), Kassel; ILLUMInations at the 54th International Art Exhibition of the Venice Biennale; Intervals at Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, NYC; and The Happy Prince, Public Art Fund, Doris C. Freedman Plaza, Central Park, NYC. Gander currently lives and works in London and Suffolk.


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