Xu Bing

Artist Profiles > X > Xu Bing

Xu Bing is one of Asia’s most well-known contemporary artists. He was one of the ten selected artists across Asia by the Asia Society ‘s Museum Director and Curator Melissa Chiu, along with Amanda Heng, Wong Hoy Cheong and Lin Tian Miao, all of whom have significant international reputations. The artists represent a wide range of disciplines but for this project, Asian Contemporary Art In Print, all are working on paper. The working drawings and prints, printing plates and the final work from each artist will be presented in the exhibition. The printmaking techniques on display will include lithography, silkscreen, embossing, etching and woodblock.

The artists completed their residencies between December 2005 and July 2006, with each artist spending up to 10 days at STPI, in a rare opportunity to collaborate closely with STPI’s leading international print and papermaking team.

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