Chua Ek Kay: Along the River Banks

Chua Ek Kay delivers one of the most compelling and exhilarating Chinese ink practices in Singapore. In early 2007, Chua reacquainted with the print and papermaking processes at Singapore Tyler Print Institute, five years after his first residency. The 41 new paper pulp works and prints that have surfaced, erupt with vitality and energy. The works bear a testament of Chua’s way in handling traditional Chinese ink painting techniques in a contemporary manner. In this new series of works, Chua pays homage to traditional Chinese ink painting themes of nature. Luscious peaches, riotous mass of sunflowers and bamboos in repose; potent in symbolism and associated values are rendered in lyrical calligraphic brushwork and fleshed out in paper pulp. The evocative brush marks, daring cocktail of crimsons, and brilliant yellows summon up a mood of jubilation, a tribute to nature’s bounty.

For more information on the artist, please click here.