Group Show: Paper Pushers: Methods & Materials

1 March – 5 April 2014

Pressed, folded, stained, ripped apart.


“Paper Pushers: Methods & Materials” challenges conventional perceptions of what artworks using paper and print can be.


Playing on the term ‘paper pusher’*, these works showcase the depth and diversity of contemporary art practices today, highlighting the melding of ideas between the artists and the team at STPI.


This vivid exchange of concepts, techniques and experiences gives way to innovative strategies, breaking material and conceptual boundaries. Not one project is the same – each task is anything but routine.


From adding found objects (Hema Upadhyay) to manipulating printmaking processes (Lin Tianmiao); applying sculptural methods (Richard Deacon) to incorporating digital technologies (Thukral & Tagra) and photography (Ashley Bickerton) – artists either ‘broke the rules’ by employing alternative approaches contrary to notions of print (Ronald Ventura) or endeavoured for perfection of those ‘rules’ in execution (Heman Chong).


Under the exacting, enabling hands of individuals who ‘push’ and subvert traditional print and papermaking practices, we see the exceeding qualities of the humble, common materials – substantial and versatile as a medium for creative expression. These joint efforts yield bodies of work that match the unique stylistic sensibilities of each artist, invigorating longstanding preoccupations and marking milestones for STPI.


Fresh collaborations for the year include Suzann Victor (Singapore/Sydney), Do Ho Suh (New York/Seoul/London), Entang Wiharso (Yogyakarta), Ryan Gander (London) and Shahzia Sikander (New York).
