Manuel Ocampo: Ideological Mash-Up/Remix

18 May - 22 June 2019

Responding to a global culture of image production and consumption in flux, Manuel Ocampo’s often chaotic and violent compositions present interactions between image-forms of a fragmented time and space, recalling the spectres of history, of painting, and of oneself. Concerned with questions of identity and versions of culture, Ocampo’s works become dimensional screens of symbols and signs that are at once familiar and arbitrary; where humour bathes itself in a certain darkness, and darkness manifests itself in a certain comfort.

This distinct visual language is furthered at STPI, where Ocampo continues to employ symbols and iconography that straddle between accessibility and ambiguity. Developing print and paper experimentations in a collaborative setting which required a different momentum and mode of production, the artist imbues variations of old imagery with new techniques and approaches.

Opening night: Friday, 17 May 2019, 6.30pm – 8.30pm; with Guest of Honour, First Secretary and Consul Gonaranao B. Musor, Head of the Cultural Section, Embassy of the Philippines in Singapore. Click here to view the exhibition opening photographs.

Click here to listen to the audio transcript of the artist talk, with curator, Joyce Toh.

Click here for available works. 


Public programmes:

[Past] Artist Talk: Manuel Ocampo, with Joyce Toh

[Past] Arty Afternoon: Weekend Edition

[Past] Reel Thursday: Manuel Ocampo: God Is My Copilot (1999)

[Past] Weekly Public Guided Tours and Foreign Language Exhibition Tour in Japanese

[Past] Reel Thursday: The Mission (1986)

[Past] Arty Afternoon: Constructing a “Messy Desktop” Collage

[Past] In Dialogue: Urban Collages

[Past] Hands-on Workshop: Scrapbook Collage

For more information on our public programmes, please click here.

