PRINT SCREEN: Charles Lim Yi Yong

15 October – 20 November 2022

Location: ArtSpace @ HeluTrans, 39 Keppel Rd, #01-05, Singapore 089065

Charles Lim Yi Yong, SEASTATE 029, 2019, Relief print on Maple Ivory 200gsm paper, 10-part installation, 70 x 51.8 cm each. © Charles Lim Yi Yong / STPI. Photo courtesy of the Artist and STPI.

Our third and final edtion of PRINT SCREEN will feature Charles Lim Yi Yong’s STPI print and paper artworks as well as a selection of his video works. His residency at STPI draws strongly from his enduring fascination with the visible and invisible lenses of the sea. As a former Olympic sailor, they are further inspired from his regular sailing trips along the East Coast anchorage of Singapore. In order to manoeuvre with the wind effectively, one has to apply their sense of ‘staggered observations’ – noting the sea and cloud patterns over an extended period of time so as to “see” the wind, an invisible space. This is the starting point for viewing Lim’s body of work.

Each presentation is accompanied by a screening room that aims to expand one’s understanding of the artists’ practice, through highlighting the domains which they are renowned for. For this edition, PRINT SCREEN will showcase two video works by Lim: SEASTATE 5 : drift (rope sketch) and SEASTATE 9 : a lonely concert for what was there. drift expresses the arbitrary nature of borders at sea, whereas a lonely concert for what was there pays tribute to mataikan, the coastal village that Lim grew up in and was subsequently demolished.

An established artist constantly seeking to push the boundaries of his oeuvre through an exploration of the natural world with manmade environments, Lim’s apt and dedicated study of Singapore’s maritime context as a swirl of nature and human activities cements his place as an exciting contemporary voice in the international art world.