STPI Annual Group Show: Looks Good on Paper

19 November – 23 December 2016

STPI Gallery presents Looks Good on Paper – a specially curated exhibition that invites viewers to rediscover the inherent qualities and characteristics of a medium most commonplace and utilitarian as paper, through projects realised by artists who have explored its unparalleled properties at the STPI Workshop.

Organic and fibrous in nature, malleable in manifold ways, and durable as it is delicate – these often overlooked yet unique aspects form the fundamental makings of a “handmade” substance that is, in fact, extremely versatile and essential to the creative pursuit and materialisation of concepts and projects that would have otherwise remained inexistent.

For artists Ashley Bickerton, Richard Deacon, Ryan Gander, Han Sai Por, Shirazeh Houshiary, Teppei Kaneuji, Eko Nugroho, Handiwirman Saputra, Shambhavi, Do Ho Suh, Haegue Yang, Suzann Victor, and artist duo Wu Shanzhuan & Inga Svala Thorsdottir; paper, or rather, papermaking is the art and science of diverse and infinite possibilities that has become the means and an end, leading to impressive creations made of the simplest and most unassuming of materials.
