STPI at IFPDA Online Viewing Room: To Gesture and Inhabit

13 May - 13 June 2020

STPI is delighted to present a solo showcase of Thai artist Pinaree Sanpitak in the inaugural edition of IFPDA’s Online Viewing Rooms. Renowned for her evocative use of the “breast-stupa” form, Sanpitak enables reconsiderations of age-old motifs to emerge, allowing viewers to reflect on the symbolism they hold across histories. Here, explorations of the body, its forms and the spaces it produces and inhabits, negotiate the boundary between what is shared and what is shielded, what is sacred and profane, the ethereal and the sensorial. Presenting themselves as a series of playful provocations in a range of print techniques such as collagraphy, etching and screenprint, these works create emphatic gestures that respond to lived experiences, and bring us into deeper engagement with each other and with the world we occupy.

Click here to view the online exhibition.

Click here to read more about the artist.

