Sun Xun: Republic of Jing Bang 鲸邦实习共和国: Citizens Wanted!

15 May - 18 May 2014, at Art Basel Hong Kong

Make the land of your dreams come true, and be one of the only 100 citizens of Sun Xun’s new country launch, “Jing Bang: A Country Based on Whale” at Art Basel Hong Kong, Encounters booth 1E3. Curated by Yuko Hasegawa, Chief Curator of the Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo.

The worldwide registration of new citizens and visa application are now open. Immigration officers from STPI will be there to process new enlistments at this checkpoint. Get a glimpse of this “Divine Country Jing Bang” when visiting the booth.

Successful citizenship applicants (at a cost of USD 10,000) shall be rewarded with a hand printed and bound book of “Jing Bang”, a passport, identification card, national flag and animation in DVD and digital betacam. Visas (at USD 25) are available for short-term visit. All visa and citizenship packs are produced by Sun Xun in collaboration with STPI. Do not miss this chance to be part of a new frontier as “Jing Bang’s” existence is time based and lasts as long as a whale emerging for air.

Sun Xun’s new project signifies a new trajectory for STPI, pushing not only the limits of collaboration with artists but taking its partnerships with Platform STPI Projects and ShanghArt to new levels with this performative installation, challenging public engagement with contemporary art.
