Thukral and Tagra: Low-Tech Family Vacations

At STPI, T&T concocted an irresistible assortment of works on paper for the exhibition “Low-Tech Family Vacations”, featuring a seductive mix of beautifully composed graphics that animate with specially designed digital components.

“This collaboration marks a milestone in STPI’s papermaking history, this fascinating dichotomy of handmade paper and technology paths new artistic trajectories for the artists and STPI,” said Emi Eu, Director of STPI.

T&T’s frequently used typographic element, “Bosedk‟, a Punjabi language expletive, pops all over the artworks like flowery slogans, “Children eat free”, “Open 24hrs”, “Beautiful Bosedk”, “Family weekends”, offer tongue-in-cheek critique of banal consumption ostensibly served up for viewers delectation. Thukral and Tagra added, “We live in time of “McDonaldisation‟ and we are responsible for our children’s future that is explicitly “Disneyfied‟. In most cases we act like we are motorised and novice, repeating the same actions every day.”