Roaming Vision:
A walk in Mountain-Water Paintings
Exploring the moving vision in traditional Chinese landscape art, Chang will draw attention to historical paintings with a focus on the Hong Kong contemporary master Leung Kui-Ting, who adopts ‘roaming vision’ and ‘digital vision’ in his own landscape paintings. From classical gardens and rockeries by Zheng Li and Ye Fang to selected Old Masters, this session takes us on a stroll through oriental perspectives – one that affirmed Hockney’s vision.
About the speaker
Chang Tsong-Zung (Johnson Chang) is independent curator, guest professor of China Academy of Art (Hangzhou, China), and director of Hanart TZ Gallery (Hong Kong). He has been active in curating Chinese exhibitions since the 1980s, including co-curator of Guangzhou Triennial in 2008 (“Farewell to Post-Colonialism”), Shanghai Biennale in 2012, and “East Meets West” at Saatchi Gallery in 2014.
Current active projects include Jia Li Hall, a series of research on Confucian rites and aesthetics; West Heavens, Sino Indian exchange in art and social thought; Yaji Garden (a project relating to the Yellow Box Projects), which investigates Chinese aesthetic space and its culture of connoisseurship; and Inter-Asia School, which organised the “Inter-Asia Biennale Forums” at the Shanghai Biennial, Gwangju Biennial, Taipei Biennial and Kochi-Muziris Biennale in 2014 and 2016.