Intaglio Class: Aquatint Etching Print on Plaster

Embark on a creative journey and unlock the potential of intaglio printmaking! In this hands-on workshop, you will learn to transform your sketches into prints, using etched copper plates and plaster surfaces.

Learning Takeaways:
1. Plate Preparation: Understand the process of plate preparation and rosin application
2. Etching Process: Develop etching skills and learn how to achieve tonal values on a copper plate

Participants are kindly requested to prepare a 3-tone image for this workshop.

SGD120 (before GST)
No prior experience is necessary! Recommended for ages 12 and above.

Click here to register.

Intaglio Class: Aquatint Etching Print on Plaster
1 June 2024, Saturday
10.00AM – 1.00PM / 3.00PM – 6.00PM