Models and Maniacs: Deconstructing the Feminine in Indonesian Contemporary Art
Speaker: Dr Wulan Dirgantoro, Lecturer, MA Asian Art Histories Programme, LASALLE
The lecture shall discuss the intersection between art making and gender politics in Indonesian contemporary art. It will trace the construction of the feminine across three important periods in Indonesia, namely the New Order, Reformasi and Post-Reformasi eras to situate the sociocultural and political context of the artistic practices by Indonesian artists. The lecture shall examine how artistic strategies by artists such as Arahmaiani, Titarubi, and IGAK Murniasih have challenged and questioned the feminine models as prescribed by the State and society within a feminist framework.
About The Speaker
Dr Wulan Dirgantoro is a lecturer in the MA Asian Art Histories Programme at the Faculty of Fine Arts, LASALLE College of the Arts. Her research interests are transnational feminism and trauma and memory in Indonesian modern and contemporary art. She is currently a participant in “Ambitious Alignments: New Histories of Southeast Asian Art”, a research project within the Connecting Art Histories initiative by the Getty Foundation.