On loan from a private collection, “Zao Wou-Ki: No Boundaries” will feature a selection of lithographs, ink works, watercolours and paintings by the French-Chinese artist Zao Wou-Ki. The exhibition will showase his strength and versatility as an artist who straddled two traditions to produce seminal works of great art historical significance and value. Zao Wou-Ki (b. 1920 – 2013) is regarded as one of the foremost Chinese contemporary artists of the 20th century, his paintings, a legacy that unites the cultures and aesthetic visions of France and China on a painterly surface, shaping avant-garde art in postwar Europe.
The 1994 film features an interview between Michel Ragon and Zao Wou-Ki that provides some insight into his life and art, in particular his painting practice, with a sequence on prints—a good supplement to the exhibition’s niche offering of print works.