STPI is pleased to present a lecture by Bice Curiger, art historian, curator, and artistic director of the Fondation Vincent van Gogh Arles since 2013.
Curiger is also the Co-founder and Editor-in-chief of Parkett, the book series featuring contemporary artists published in Zurich and New York from 1984-2017. These include luminaries such as Rirkrit Tiravanija, Angela Bulloch, Louise Bourgeois, Ai Wei Wei, El Anatsui, Edward Ruscha, Cao Fei and Hito Steyerl; some of whom STPI have collaborated with before as well in its Creative Workshop.
In this lecture, Curiger will provide insight into the history of the collaborations that Parkett has undertaken with 270 artists and more in its 33 years of existence. This will shed light on the invigorating outputs stemming from rigorous collaborations in the art world and thus the importance of such platforms, be it Parkett or STPI.
This talk is presented on the occasion of the exhibition The Complete Parkett Collection, running from 8 to 31 March 2024 at ArtSpace @ Helutrans, co-presented by Ikkan Art and STPI – Creative Workshop & Gallery.
Bice Curiger: The Art of Collaboration
Date: 7 March 2024, 4.00PM – 5.00PM
Venue: STPI Gallery
Admission: Free entry